ISSessions 2021-06-24

Guess what time it is???? It’s time for another ISSessions meeting!!

Come on out and join us on Thursday June 24, 2021 for an amazing talk by Anton Ovrutsky. He made something super awesome and is excited to tell us all about it!


7:00 – Kick-Off
7:05 – News Round Up – Cem, Jackson, Hashir
7:30 – Feature Story: Discussion Night – Moderators: Pablo, Christian & Jackson 8:00 – Break
8:10 – SysmonConfigPusher – Anton


A Little About Anton:

Anton is a BSides Toronto speaker, C3X volunteer, and an OSCE, OSCP, CISSP, CSSP certificate holder. Anton enjoys the defensive aspects of cybersecurity and loves logs and queries. Anton’s Talk This talk will cover why SysmonConfigPusher was built, what challenges it addresses and will go into it’s usage and functionality


We are all soooo excited to hear from Anton and can’t wait to see you all on Thursday.

– ISSessions Executive Team