November meeting with guest speaker Lee Kagan!

ISSessions – 2018-11-16

This week’s ISSessions meetup details:

  • Date: 2018-11-16
  • Time: 19:00 – 20:30
  • Location: Room J102, Sheridan Trafalgar Campus, Oakville
  • Agenda
    • 19:00 – Infosec News Roundup and Open Discussion with your host Nick
    • 19:45 – Guest: Lee Kagan Lets Build a C2
    • 20:30 – Wrap up and refreshments (across the street at the pub)

Hey everyone,

The days are getting colder…so why not stay inside where it’s warm and wrap up your week with a nice Sessions?

We have a great meeting lined up for you this week.  In addition to our news and discussion, we’re very happy to announce the return of our guest speaker Lee Kagan! Lee is the co-founder of RedBlack Security in Toronto, and has been a long time speaker here at Sessions, so we’re thrilled to have him back.  This week he will be speaking on “Lets Build a C2”, or building a Command and Control center for use in red team tracking.  This should be a very interesting talk, so you should absolutely make it out!

That’s it for now, we hope to see you all out there,

September Meetup and Soldering Workshop

ISSessions – 2018-09-28

This week’s ISSessions meetup details:

  • Date: 2018-09-28
  • Time: 19:00 – 20:30
  • Location: Room J102, Sheridan Trafalgar Campus, Oakville
  • Agenda
    • 19:00 – Infosec News Roundup and Open Discussion with your host Nick
    • 19:45 – Guest Roger Singh on Industry Trends
    • 20:30 – Wrap and refreshments (across the street at the pub)

Hello everyone,

We hope you’ve settled into the rhythm of things with the new semester, and that everything is going well.  We’ve got another meeting for you this Friday, so come out for some great discussion and our special guest speaker!

Our speaker this week is Roger Singh who will be speaking about trends in the industry.  Roger is the co-founder of Scalar Decisions where he has served as the CTO since it’s creation.  We’re very happy to have him speak with us, so we hope you all come out!

In other news, ISSessions will be hosting a soldering workshop on December 7th! If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to solder, now is the time to do it.  If you’re interested, you can sign up here:

You can also choose to get a 14 piece soldering kit for an additional fee when you register, a complete list of what you’ll get can be found here


That’s it for now, we hope to see you all out there,

September 14, 2018 Student.exe Zero day

ISSessions – 2018-09-14
This week’s ISSessions meetup details:
Date: 2018-09-14
Time: 19:00 – 20:30
Location: Room J102 (Confirmed), Sheridan Trafalgar Campus, Oakville
19:00 – Infosec News Roundup and Open Discussion with your hosts John and Nick
19:45 – Welcome to InfoSec with John
20:30 – Wrap and refreshments (across the street at the pub)
Hello everyone,

We’re back! A new school year is starting and that means a new batch of ISSessions. This Friday, September 14th will be our first meeting of the year and we’re happy to say that we have a speaker lined up for you.

Following our usual news roundup and discussion, John will be giving his annual Welcome to InfoSec talk. John is a graduate of the program and is a Vulnerability Researcher at Trend Micro. He’ll be speaking about the wide, wide world of InfoSec, and how to survive the program! It’s a great talk, especially if you’re new to the program, so you don’t want to miss it!

We’d also like to take a moment to welcome everyone back for another year. You guys help make ISSessions what it is, so we’re very happy to have you back.

That’s it for now, we hope to see you out there,
